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Find out your environmental, pet,  indoor, and food allergies!

Allergy Blood Test - This is used to detect food allergies.

Allergy Skin Test - This the most common form of allergy testing to detect environmental, pet, and indoor allergies. This test involves placing allergen extracts on your skin using a plastic brush; this allows for a small amount of solution of allergen to enter just below the surface of the skin. After about 30 minutes any swelling or redness is measured and, depending on the size, is considered a positive reaction.


Did you know that Allergen Immunotherapy can turn off your allergies?

Are you frustrated with the symptoms of allergies? Have medications become ineffective in helping you manage and reduce symptoms?

Your allergy symptoms can be turned off with allergen immunotherapy (allergy injections). After receiving regular allergy injections, not only are the allergy symptoms greatly reduced, the benefits of allergy-free life continue for many years to come after the injections are stopped to help greatly improve quality of life.


Allergen immunotherapy is the most effective allergy management and treatment option currently available. This therapeutic treatment option involves administering small amounts of allergens to alter immunity so that your are no longer very allergic to the allergens anymore. Best of all, it can turn off that allergic immune response off for many years to come.

Allergen immunotherapy is given by injections either at the office or we can teach you how to do this at home. This service is covered by most major insurance companies.

Allergen immunotherapy may be helpful for environmental allergies, such as:

    Grass pollens

    Tree pollens

    Weed pollens



    Dust mites



    And many other allergies!


Interested in learning more about this therapeutic method for better managing and reducing allergic symptoms? Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more about allergen immunotherapy!